
Publish in a foreign language

Formats and distribution innovation

Ledizioni publishs and sells all over the world. We can carry out editorial work and publish in foreign languages ​​and distribute on target international markets.
The web site LediPublishing.com promotes and distributes our texts in the original language.

Why publish in a foreign language with Ledizioni?

Language Editing

Our international network of native speaker collaborators allows us to carry out editorial work in the main European languages ​​such as English, French, German, Spanish and Portuguese.

International distribution

Thanks to our LediPublishing website, entirely in English, and our international network of distributors, we are able to promote and disseminate our books on the relevant linguistic markets.

Maximize impact

Publications in English language receive on average 7 times more downloads than publications in Italian, so Open Access publications also increase downloads by approximately 10 times compared to traditional publications.

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