
Publish Journals with Ledizioni

Formats and distribution innovation

edizioni offers an innovative and modern journals publishing service in both paper and online versions. With the platform LediJournals.com it is possible to manage the entire process of proposal - evaluation - revision - layout - publication - distribution - sale of the paper and digital journal.

Why publish a journal with Ledizioni?


We provide support for ANVUR scientific or class A accreditation, for indexing in DOAJ, in Scopus, in ERIH PLUS - European Reference Index for the Humanities, Web of Science, Google Scholar...


We affix and register the ISSN, e-ISSN, DOI, ORCID codes


We publish your journal in electronic format in PDF, in XML, in HTML and in print format, with a wide possibility of personalizing the print product and enriching the digital contents with multimedia, interactive elements and links to datasets

Editorial support

We can take care of the editorial staff of the magazine, from standardization to layout, from management support for peer-review to management of the magazine's secretariat


We manage the sending of essay copies, extracts for the authors and promotional messages to the journal's subscribers

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Contact us

Fill out and send your publication proposal or write to us if you need more information

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Publish an eJournal

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