
Security in the city. Practices of control in the contemporary urban spaces

Project financed by

Università degli Studi Milano Bicocca


Università degli Studi di Milano

With the collaboration of


 Security in the city.

Practices of control in the contemporary urban spaces

 Call for papers

Hórisma 3

Hórisma is a scientific book series edited by Ledizioni (Milano) which aims at publishing and divulging multidisciplinary theoretical and empirical analysis of young scholars.

The main goal of the call Hórisma 3 is to show the multiples connections between urban contexts and security practices, focusing the attention in particular to mechanisms of formal or informal control on the individuals, accompanied by or in the absence of new technologies applied in the most diverse spheres of social life (such as healthcare, education, economy, etc.).

In the academic discussion as well as in the public discourse, the concept of urban security is greatly discussed. Nevertheless, there is still the need to explore the ways in which the notion of urban security can be distinguished from other notions of security. Indeed the city has features able-enough to distinguish it from other diverse geographical spaces, for instance, the coexistence of different social groups.

The book consequently aims at contributing to the theorization of this concept, through answering one or more of the following questions: how the urban context influences and determines the more visible as well as the less evident expressions of criminality, violence, and disorder? Which are the social actors in the urban context that influence the emergence of these practices as well as the ones contrasting them? Which kind of social conflicts arise as a consequence of practices of control deployed in the city? Are local administrators as national authorities able to, more or less, influence the perception of security or insecurity of citizens? Furthermore, how the specificities and the history of each city influences the control-mechanisms activated in the territory?

It is our pleasure to invite young scholars (PhDs; PhD candidates, researchers) to send us an abstract (max 2000 characters) accompanied by a short Curriculum Vitae by or on June 15, 2015 to the following mail address:

With the submission the authors declare that the proposal is original and not yet submitted to any other kind of publication even in a language different from that chosen for submission to Hórisma.

The abstract-proposals will be accepted in one of the following languages: Italian, English, Spanish, Portuguese, French.

The abstracts will be blind reviewed by Hórisma Scientific Board who is formed by:

  • Patrizia Borsellino (Philosophy of Law Full professor – University of Milan-Bicocca)
  • Yuri Kazepov (Urban Sociology Full professor – University of Vienna)
  • Davide Maggi (Corporate Economy Associated Professor– University of Piemonte Orientale)
  • Monica Martinelli (Sociology Researcher – University Cattolica of Milan)
  • Michel Misse (Sociology of crime and violence Associated Professor– s University Federal of Rio de Janeiro)
  • Giuseppe Mosconi (Sociology of law Full professor – University of Padova)
  • Luigi Pannarale (Sociology of law Full professor – University of Bari)
  • Emilio Reyneri (Sociology Full professor – University of Milan-Bicocca)
  • Roberta Sala (Public Ethics Researcher– University “Vita-Salute San Raffaele” di Milano)
  • Emilio Santoro (Sociology of law Full professor – University of Florence)
  • Guglielmo Scaramellini (Geography Full professor – Università Statale di Milano)
  • Francesco Tesauro (Tributary Law Full professor – University of Milan-Bicocca)


By June 15, 2015, the authors will receive a communication for the acceptation of their abstracts. By September 15, 2015, the authors of the selected abstracts will be asked to submit an extended version of their work for the publication (max 35000 characters, including spaces, footnotes, bibliography) considering the suggestions proposed by Hórisma Scientific Board members, and in accordance with editorial template that will be provided later.

Selected authors will be invited (though not mandatory) to participate to Hórisma Conference of book presentation that will be held in Milan, September 23-24, 2015 in Milan, presenting a short relation about their works. The most original work will be granted a 200 euro refund.

Dates to register:

– deadline for sending abstracts: 15 June 2015

– communication of acceptance: 15 July 2015

– deadline for the submission of extended paper: 15 September 2015


For further information, please contact us at:

This project was financed with “1000 lire” University of Milan Bicocca grant, in collaboration with associations ASB, LDS e SI, as well as the call “Attività Culturali” of University of Studies of Milan.


Italian version

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