Patrick Ndakidemi

Patrick Ndakidemi is a plant and soil expert. He has PhD in Soil Chemistry, MSc Agriculture with a major in Soil Science. He is currently employed as Full Professor in the School of Life Sciences and Bioengineering at The Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology (AIST) since April 2011. Prof. Ndakidemi major fields interest are on soil science and plant nutrition. He has conducted extensive research on Biological ni nitrogen fixation: Use of Biotrogen fixation: Use of Bio-inoculants in agriculture as an alternative to chemical fertilizers and bio-pesticide in controlling root in controlling root in legumes. He is also interested plant physiology with special focus on nutritional aspects hindering the growthh hindering the growth of plants in vitro. Prof. Ndakidemi has published more than 220 papers in international journals on various issues pertaining to soil science, legume physiology, plant nutrition, nitrogen fixation, tissue culture, and environmental health management.

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